Ignorance Can Be Bliss

The first few months on a new job,
in a new industry,
are a golden time.
No one expects you to know anything
so you can ask the crazy questions
and suggest the revolutionary ideas
with no risk of looking like an a$$.

If the ideas don’t work,
you have an excuse.
You’re the new kid.
You don’t know any better.

But sometimes the ideas work
and that is when
your career can really take off.

As it did for
Scott McGillivray,
host of Income Property.

in the March/April
The Costco Connection

“I think my innocence
on the television side of things
was almost an asset,
because a lot of people
on these shows
want to be on TV.
I didn’t really care
and I didn’t really know,
so I just played myself.
I think [Debbie Travis]
was a little surprised
when she would come around
and talk to me,
and if she was wrong about something
I would just say it.”

Take advantage
of the first few months
on a new job.