The Future

Whenever I hang out
with a group of writers
(or businesspeople or moms or…),
there are always two groups of people.

The first group of people
talk about the good ol’ days.
If only it was the 80’s.
We’d sell our stories for a lot more money then.
This group usually thinks
the opportunities are drying up
and the world is going to hell in a hand basket.
Why bother to write?
We won’t sell our stories anyway.

Then there’s group number two.
They see opportunities everywhere.
Changes excite them.
They’re almost giddy with hope.
There’s never been a better time
for writers.
They send stories out,
often self publishing when
they’re rejected by publishers.

You choose which group
you belong to.
Ask yourself which group
is likely to be more successful.

As Seth Godin shares

“The thing is, the future happens.
Every single day, like it or not.
Sure, tomorrow is risky, frightening
and in some way represents
one step closer to the end.
But it also brings with it
the possibility of better
and the chance to do something that matters.”