Giving, Not Taking

Seth Godin

“If your email promotion is
a taking,
not a giving,
I think you should rethink it.”

I believe if ANY marketing is
a taking,
not a giving,
you should rethink it.

Does that mean
you should give away product
every time you market?

Hell no!
It drives me up the wall
when I’m asked to give away a book
at a new release party
or some other event.

I sell entertainment.
That’s my product.
If I can’t entertain
while I sell,
I shouldn’t be in business.

If you can’t figure out
how to give your prospects
a taste of what you’re truly selling
(safety, prestige, trust, confidence, etc)
while you’re selling it,
then you shouldn’t be in business either.

If you give
and don’t take,
your prospects won’t even view it
as promotion.

Categorized as Marketing