Adding Friction

Some of the blogs
I frequently read
now have restricted access,
requiring readers to sign up for
a free membership.

Yes, it is free.
But having to remember a password
and sign in every time I visit these sites
is a pain in the a$$.
The content wasn’t that unique
so I’ve stopped going to these sites.

As Seth Godin

“If you’re going to add friction,
if you’re going to create
urgency and scarcity,
understand that it always
comes at a cost.
By all means,
we need to figure out
how to make a living
from the work we do.
But with scalable goods,
particularly those that have substitutes,
don’t add friction
unless there are enough benefits
to make it worth our hassle.”

Friction comes at a cost.
Think before you add it.

Categorized as Marketing