Craft A Great Story

“Just because everyone else is”
isn’t a compelling story
for your prospects.

Recently I had a serial published.
(stories broken into multiple parts,
these parts are sold separately)
are hot right now.
Publishers are aggressively buying them.

Some readers, however, hate them.
They believe they are a money grab,
a way to charge more
for the same story.

I could have told readers
I wrote a serial
because everyone else had one.
But that’s a weak explanation,
likely to anger readers.

Instead, I pointed out
how the relationship was naturally
broken into parts,
how being a serial made the story stronger,
how I couldn’t see this story
being written as anything other than a serial.

Readers, reviewers
and other industry professionals
responded well to this.
They understood.

Craft a great story
and your prospects will respond also.

Categorized as Marketing