Your Weak Spot

All products/businesses have weaknesses.
Coca-Cola has the obesity issue.
Walmart has the wages
and sourcing issues.
Romance novels have plot holes
(or WTF moments).

When I started writing romances,
I tried to ignore my plot holes,
hoping that readers or editors wouldn’t notice.
Someone always did.
Not addressing (or closing) these plot holes
made me look incompetent
and shook their trust in me
to tell a story.

Today, I deliberately search
my stories for plot holes.
I’ll ask beta readers to look
for any WTF moments,
moments that didn’t make sense.

Bruna Martinuzzi

“Anticipate questions
that address any weaknesses
in your argument
or controversial aspects
about what you’re presenting.
We often don’t spend the time
to prepare for these type of questions;
instead, we avoid them in hopes
the audience won’t detect the weak spots.
However, you can be sure
that if there’s a weakness,
someone will perceive it
and question you about it.”

Know your weaknesses.
Either eliminate them
or have an answer
when prospects ask you about them.
And they WILL ask.

Categorized as Sales