Unanswered Questions

When the professionals
write book blurbs,
they always leave
a question unanswered.
Will the hero save the world?
Will the couple overcome their differences
and find lasting love?

These unanswered questions
are also the secret to writing
a great first line, first paragraph,
first page, first chapter.
They are why
readers continue reading.

And they can be why
shoppers walk into stores.

Mike Michalowicz

“Play Up A Teaser

People feel a need
to continue when they.
(That sentence is incomplete on purpose.)
The full sentence?
People feel a need to continue
when they are left
with incomplete information,
hence the cliffhanger.
Present shoppers with a cliffhanger
outside your store
and invite them inside for the resolution,
such as
“What was voted Top Toy of 2013?
Come inside to find out.”
“This building was once used
for illegal purposes.
Step inside to find out
the shady truth.”

Now that you’ve brought shoppers in
who are curious,
you’ll want to make sure
to put your answers
near the back of the store.
That way people can browse
all of your store
as they work on resolving the puzzle.”

Unanswered questions
are prompts to take next steps.
Consider using them
in your marketing.

Categorized as Marketing