If You Don’t Like A Label…

I was chatting with a self-published writer
and she was moaning and groaning
about how there was a lot of crap
written by self-published writers.
She hated being grouped with them.

“Why”, I asked, “do you tell people
you’re a self-published writer?”

There was silence.
She didn’t know why
she introduces herself this way.
I sure as heck don’t tell readers
how I’m published.
They don’t care
and I’d rather talk about my books.

Another one of my buddies
was complaining about her job title.
She said she hated having
her job title on her business cards.

“So why,” I asked,
“do you have it on your business cards?”

It turns out…
having no job title WAS an option.

If you don’t like a label,
don’t use that label.
And yes, it IS as simple as that.

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