Combining Ideas

No innovation
is ever truly new.
Innovations always build
upon previous ideas.

David Burkus,
author of
The Myths of Creativity
(this entire article is brilliant)

“All new ideas are built
from combinations of older ideas.
The printing press was a combination of
moveable type and the wine press.
Henry Ford didn’t invent the automobile
or the assembly line,
but when he combined the two,
something innovative happened.

My favorite example is Star Wars.
George Lucas combined
a famous plot line from mythology
with low-budget sci-fi films
and Akira Kurosawa samurai films,
and the result was a trilogy
that continues to resonate with us.
Creative genius doesn’t come from
thinking up totally new things;
it comes from merging the ideas we already have
and creating a combination
we haven’t seen before.”

Consider combining ideas
for innovations.