Keeping Up With Contacts

I’m horrible at keeping up
with contacts.
I contact everyone
during the holidays
but, with many contacts,
that’s my only connection.

Which is why
this tip excites me.

Nicholas White

“I set up Google alerts for people
so I get notified
when they’ve done something online
and I have a reason to catch up.

If you want to go super pro,
create a simple call sheet:
a spreadsheet with names,
contact info and last contact.
Set aside a small chunk of time
to just cycle through people.
Drop an email,
set up a time to meet up
for coffee or drinks.
Then you know you’re taking care
of your relationships and
you don’t have to worry about it
the rest of the time.”

I have a spreadsheet
for cycling through promo sites.
It makes sense
to have a spreadsheet
for cycling through contacts.

Keep connected.

Categorized as Marketing