Smart Sampling

Before a story is released,
my publishers choose
a couple of excerpts.
These excerpts represent the story,
they’re a valid sample of the writing,
but they don’t give away everything.
(they normally are chosen
from the first chapter)
They aren’t the only good bits.
Readers still have an incentive
to read the story.

As Seth Godin

“It started with the coming attractions
for upcoming movies.
By packing more and more
of the punchline into
the TV commercial or the theater preview,
producers felt like
they were satisfying the needs
of the audience
to know what they were going to see
before they bought their ticket.
Instead, they trained us to be satisfied
by merely watching the attractions.
No need to see the movie,
you’ve already seen the best part.”

Sample smartly.
Ensure the prospect
still has a reason to buy your product.

Categorized as Marketing