The No Boss Myth

One of the most common myths
with starting a business
is the entrepreneur doesn’t have a boss myth.

I supposedly work for myself
yet I report to readers (my customers).
I report to editors and publishers (my partners).
I have deadlines set by other people,
meetings I can’t move and must take.

As Julie Cole,
one of the co-founders
Mabel’s Labels,

“You’ll never work harder in your life.
And I remember thinking
‘This will be great.
I won’t have a boss.’
Well, I have loads of bosses.
I’ve got my business partners.
I’ve got staff.
I’ve got our customers.
I’ve got our suppliers.
one boss doesn’t sound so bad,
does it?”

We ALL work for someone else.
All of us.
Expect to work for someone else
when you start a business.