Never Count Yourself Out

Last year,
I went on what writers call
the Great Agent Hunt.
I sent queries to about 50 agents.
Not one agent asked
to read the story I was querying.
Not one agent replied to my query.
They didn’t even bother to sent a rejection.

Last month,
I went on a rush Great Agent Hunt.
I sent out queries to five agents.
The next day,
I had signed with my dream agent.

I went from
not worthy even of a rejection letter
must sign her
in one year.

Jason Mercado,
founder and owner
of Just Cookies,

“Never count yourself out.
I had to believe that
this company would come
into existence.
I got a lot of no’s starting out
and it would have been easy
for me to cave,
but I always believed in myself.
Every ‘no’ prepared me
for that ‘yes’
when the door to Carmelo’s opened up.”

Never count yourself out.