The Next Call To Action

we talked about
how communications,
especially marketing messages,
should have a call to action,
the next steps for a prospect.

The calls to action
shouldn’t stop with the sale.
Your least expensive customer to obtain
is often a returning customer.

Before the feature presentation
at a movie theater,
previews of upcoming movies
are shown.
This is a call to action.
See the movie you purchased a ticket for
and THEN return
to watch this next movie.

I try to have the next story in a series written
before the current story releases.
When readers and reviewers talk about
how much they like a current release,
I tell them
they won’t want to miss the next release.

A real estate agent sold a friend
a great starter house.
She told this friend
that when she wanted to upgrade,
she’d be happy to handle her business
(upgrading being the call to action).
Every six months or so,
the real estate agent contacts my friend.

If you want customers for life,
the calls to action
shouldn’t stop with the sale.

Categorized as Sales