The Price Of Perfection

A buddy has been working on her book
for the past decade.
She wants it to be perfect.
But when she’s working on this book,
she’s not working on the next book.
She’s paying a price for perfection.

As Brian Gregg and Vivian Weng
“Companies that want to encourage employees
to take risks must also embrace
the concept of “good enough.”
We often see marketers spend weeks
chasing after the “perfect” solution
when a “good enough” solution already exists.

And remember,
those extra weeks have a cost.
At flash sales site, for example,
70% of revenue is generated by email;
each extra day spent perfecting an email campaign
rather than actually sending the email
could mean up to $700K of lost revenue.”

Perfection has a price.
Take that price into account
when you’re deciding how perfect
you wish
your product to be.