Healthy Competition

I’m thrilled
whenever another writer publishes
in a similar theme as I do.
Often I’ll see a sales bump
because she brings her own readers
to the theme.

I’m also thrilled
whenever a writer with one of my publishers
‘breaks out.’
She usually brings many more readers
to the publisher’s site
and that benefits me.

Scott Eblin shares
that when pro golfers help each other,
they make the game more interesting
“when that happens,
they all get richer
because more fans tune in
and more sponsors sign on.
In other words,
they grow the size of the pie
they’re sharing.

For instance,
a lot of pro golfers got a lot richer
once Tiger started drawing
more eyeballs to the game.”

“Killing the competition”
is just something we say.
In reality, we want
the competition to be healthy
because healthy competitors
make healthy industries.