We talked about telecommuting last week.
This post isn’t about that,
not really.
It is about assigning blanket solutions
for all employees, all companies.
A friend is a salesman.
His company doesn’t have
an official telecommuting policy.
His manager, however,
has a meet the client policy.
He tells his employees
if he sees them in the office too often,
he knows they’re not doing their jobs,
meeting with clients
or prospective clients.
If the best employee
to solve your business problems
lives across the country
and can do the job remotely,
it is foolish to force her
to come to the office.
If potential customers gather
at coffee shops, college campuses,
grocery stores,
wouldn’t these locations be better sites
for your product development meetings
than your office?
Where your employees work
should WORK
for your employees, your customers,
your business.