Brand Story-Worlds

What is the future of branding?

Jonah Sachs predicts

“Brands will build “story-worlds,”
not canned, thirty-second spots
designed for broadcast.

Brands that hope to create
engagement, exploration, and sharing
will need to create cross-platform content
that begins as a video story,
continues in interactive experiences,
and perhaps reaches climax in
an actual real-world experience.

This requires characters that live and breathe
(rather than pop up for thirty seconds and die),
plots to unfold over time, and
a place in the world for audiences
to insert themselves.”

This world building doesn’t have to be
It can be as simple
as showing the same family
in more than one commercial.
The family lives with the product
as you want your prospects
to live with the product.
They are real, have personalities, faults.

Building a brand story
is a marketing tactic
any business at any stage
can do.

Consider building a story
around your products.

Categorized as Marketing