Gimmicks Vs Branding

With so many advertisers
vying for the attention of prospects,
some companies have resorted to gimmicks.

The word ‘gimmick’ has a negative connotation.
According to Wikipedia
“In marketing language,
a gimmick is a unique or quirky special feature
that makes something “stand out”
from its contemporaries.
However, the special feature
is typically thought to be
of little relevance or use.”

A bad gimmick can damage a brand.
So how do we use quirky or unique special features
to snag attention
yet minimize the possible downside?

We ensure that
the ‘gimmick’ reflects the brand.

In one of Nicki Minaj’s recent music videos,
there are images of unicorns.
This is unique and quirky,
especially for a hip hop video.
It always grabs my attention.

And it fits the brand perfectly.

Nicki Minaj’s branding is playful.
I expect fantasy and quirkiness
from one of her videos.
I expect unicorns
(or something equivalent).

Ensure that your quirky, original marketing idea
fits with your brand.

Categorized as Marketing