Monetizing Your Blog

When Facebook snagged the internet’s imagination,
I was told over and over again
that blogging was dead.
It was all about Facebook
and then Twitter
and now Pinterest.

the marketing giants
such as Seth Godin and Duct Tape Marketing
continued to blog.

Blogging has evolved though
and so has ways to monetize your blog.
It is no longer
all about the flashing banner ads.

Elaine Pofeldt shares
4 Easy Ways to Monetize Your Blog.

The best piece of advice is
“If you’re looking for some new ideas
on how to generate revenue
from your blog or website,
there’s no better place to turn
than to others
who are running blogs, too.”

If your revenue stream is strong,
you may not wish to mess with it.
If it isn’t,
consider other ways to monetize your blog.

Categorized as Sales