Gratitude And Happiness

Research has shown that
people that consistently experience
and practice gratefulness
are 25% happier.

They also have stronger immune systems,
take care of themselves better,
sleep longer and are more refreshed,
have more positive emotions,
feel more alive and energetic
and are more outgoing, compassionate
and feel less lonely.

Ashley Howe, relationship expert,
writing down “five things
first thing in the morning
that you are grateful for.”

That’s it.
She has a list of other things you can do
but really crafting that list of 5
is sufficient.

Boosting your happiness level,
your energy level
(and what entrepreneur
doesn’t need her energy level boosted?)
is as easy as that.

I achieve results with
only one item on my list.
I once went through a very dark place.
I told myself if I ever went a day
without finding something to be happy for,
that would be my last day.
I would search for that one thing
and I’d always find it.
It became a habit
and I know I’m a happier person
for this habit.

That dark time became
the best thing to ever happen to me.

Search for reasons
to be grateful!