Frugality And Appearances

Frugality is very trendy now.
People are making do
with what they already have.
They wear their clothes longer
and there’s no stigma
on buying second hand.

Saving money (and the environment) is great.
Saving money
at the expense of income
or success

A loved one found out
he was going to see the client.
The first thing he did
was switch the frayed belt he was wearing
to a new client appropriate belt.

The thing is…
all of his coworkers,
his internal clients, saw the ratty belt.
These internal clients
could be key for promotions,
connections, referrals, assistance.

Would you invite a salesman dressed inappropriately
to a high level meeting with the CEO?
Of course not.

For the cost of a belt,
he was limiting his success.

So yes, save money
but wear client-appropriate clothing

Categorized as Sales