Be the Ten Percent

You’ve drafted and polished your book pitch.
You get lucky and snag an editor appointment.
You defeat your nerves
and razzle and dazzle the editor.
The editor asks to see your manuscript.

What do you do?

If you’re like 90 percent of all writers,
you do nothing.
Yes, absolutely nothing.
You don’t send your manuscript.

According to Bob Mayer,
90% of all requested submissions
following author pitch sessions
with agents and editors
at conferences are never sent.

Is this terrible news?
Not for those of us
that DO send our manuscripts.
We’re automatically the exception,
the serious,
the writers to watch.

This percent roughly applies to other areas
requiring work and bravery and follow through.
If you follow through,
you are the exception.

Be the exception.
Be the 10 percent.

Categorized as Sales