Transmedia Vs Cross-Media

One of the hottest trends
in entertainment marketing
is transmedia.

This is different from cross-media.

Transmedia is a story
told over multiple media
where each media makes a contribution
to the total story.

Cross-media simply means
using multiple media.
The media doesn’t interact
with each other.

Andrea Phillips has a number of tips
on how to make transmedia
work for your business.

One tip?

“When you launch something,
don’t just send someone a mysterious box.
Send them a mysterious box
if you have to,
but also send them a letter
with a URL
telling them what you’re doing.
Send out a press release.
Make sure people know
what it is you’re going to do,
and make sure that they know
before it’s almost done
or nobody will look at it.”

Your prospects are using multiple media.
Your marketing should also.
And if your marketing builds
to create a greater story,
that can be even more powerful.

Categorized as Marketing