The Unwanted Promotion

A V-P set up a meeting
with a loved one
to discuss a possible promotion.
The loved one asked me
if I thought
he should accept the promotion.

I told him he didn’t have a choice.


Because by the time
a V-P talks to you about a promotion,
the decision has been made.
The V-P has pitched your promotion
to the other executives.
He has sold you as the candidate.
He has put his neck out
for you,
risking his reputation.

Turning it down
makes him look like a jackass.
No one wants to look like a jackass.

To prevent this
and to maintain that great relationship,
you accept the promotion.

If you don’t want the job,
you look for another position,
likely outside the company.

But who knows…
maybe your V-P knows you better
than you know yourself
and you’ll love your new job.

That HAS happened.