Optimism And Leadership

I’m an optimistic person.
I have to be.
I launch products
(recently these products are books),
believing they will succeed
when the odds are stacked against
that success.
I believe people can change
(i.e. buy a product they haven’t bought before).
I believe the world can change.

If I didn’t,
I wouldn’t create new products,
I wouldn’t try to change the world,
I wouldn’t do.

Mark Miller,
Co-author of
Great Leaders Grow: Becoming a Leader for Life,

believes that optimism
is an essential trait for leaders.

“Men and women in leadership
are generally optimistic.
They see a preferred future
and can envision a path
to make it a reality
– despite the obstacles.”

Nurture your optimism.
It is one of your tools for success.

1 comment

  1. The secret to a happy life:
    1. Positive outlook (“optimism”)
    2. Short memory

    Great blog!

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