Be The One Person

Brian Leventhal,
co-founder and CEO of Brooklyn Winery,

“If you look at 100 people,
50 are content with what they are doing,
49 talk about doing something else,
and one of those people is
actually doing what they want to do.
My advice is to move
from being in the 49
to being the one
that does something.
What’s the worst that could happen
if you fail?”

Notice he said
move from being in the 49
because the 50
don’t read Open Forum
or blogs like this one.

They don’t need to
and often, they shouldn’t.
They’re content.
If you’re content,
for shit’s sake,
do what you can
to maintain that coveted state.

If you’re in the 49,
the dreamers,
the talkers,
then yes, move to doing.