The Love Of Tinkering

Andrea Kates
shares that one of the talents
Steve Jobs had
was a love of tinkering.

“From a very young age,
Jobs sat at his dad’s side
at the car-fixing workbench.
He migrated to tinkering
in the world of electronics,
cutting his teeth on
assemble-it-yourself kits
for making ham radios
and “other electronic gear
that were beloved by the soldering set.”
Being situated in Silicon Valley
exposed him to neighbors
who worked in holographs, lasers,
and other new technologies
and a high school teacher who introduced Jobs
to transistors, coils, and circuit boards.”

This is one of the things
great writers do also.
They take an idea,
usually an existing idea,
and they tinker with it.
We have werewolves.
What about weregophers?
What would they be like?
What powers and personality traits
would they have?

Every great idea
builds on other ideas.
The product developer takes the idea
and tinkers with it.

Play what if.