Resumes And Success

A buddy recently went through
several rounds of interviews
with a company
and ended up not landing the job.

She blamed her resume.

That’s bullshit.
No one ever landed or lost a job
based on their resume alone.
That’s not the purpose
of a resume.

As Mike Figliuolo shares
“If you submit your resume
and get a phone call,
you’ve succeeded.
You’ve cut through the clutter
and grabbed their attention.
They’re interested in
spending time getting to know you.
I’ve never heard of
someone landing a job
with nothing but a resume
(and if you have,
I’d submit said hiring company
is terrible at candidate diligence).”

If you landed an interview,
your resume worked.

Every Day Progress

(such as The Power of Small Wins
that ran in Harvard Business Review May, 2011)

shows that people who make progress
every day
toward something they care about
report being satisfied and fulfilled.”

Notice that it doesn’t say
BIG progress
every day.

The size of progress doesn’t matter.
It doesn’t matter to your happiness
and it doesn’t matter to your success
because even with small progress,
you’ll eventually get
to where you want to go.

So take action,
any action,
big or small,
toward your goal
every single day.
That means weekends too.

You deserve to feel fulfilled
and you deserve success.

Looking At Alternatives

A writing friend approached me yesterday.
Her writing career (i.e. budding business)
has built to the point
where she can’t handle a full time day job.

However, the writing money isn’t there yet.
She needs additional income.

She is stressing,
juggling both the day job and the writing,
going without precious sleep
because she can’t afford to quit her day job
and write full time.

I hear from people with this challenge
ALL the time.

The average person
thinks full time,
all or nothing,
working on one job
or working on another job.

You’re not the average person.
You want to do something different
with your life,
it helps to look at the world differently.

And that means considering
all of the alternatives.

In my friend’s case,
this could be…
taking a leave of absence,
working three days a week at the day job,
switching to a contract job for the cash,
combining part time jobs,
accepting freelance work,
I could list 30 or 40 alternatives easily.

If you’re venturing
from the path well trodden,
the routes to success are only as limited
as your imagination.

When Uncertain

When uncertain,
Leonard A. Schlesinger,
Charles F. Kiefer, and
Paul B. Brown,
authors of
Just Start: Take Action,
Embrace Uncertainty,
Create the Future,

recommend to act.

“Put simply,
in the face of an unknown future,
entrepreneurs act.
They deal with uncertainty
not by trying to analyze it,
or planning for every contingency,
or predicting what the outcomes will be.
Instead, they act,
learn from what they find,
and act again.”

You can’t predict the future,
including your customers,
aren’t rational,
and you can’t get ALL the research

Take action.
See what happens.
If your action works, continue on that path.
If your action doesn’t, try something else.

Time For Learning

I’ve been crazy busy lately
with projects.
There’s a temptation
for me
when I’m crazy busy
to push off learning.

That’s a big mistake.

Even the publishing industry
(or maybe… especially the publishing industry)
is changing quickly.
If I don’t stay current,
I become outdated.

My customers (readers) are becoming
more and more sophisticated,
their expectations increasing.
To keep up,
I need to learn.

I suspect the same thing
is happening in your industry.

Take time,
even if it is five minutes a day,
to learn.
That knowledge WILL pay dividends.

Put It In Writing

Often when I’m working on an issue,
I’ll write it down.
I’ll type the problem
and the possible solutions out.
If that doesn’t fix my issue,
I’ll handwrite it.

For some reason,
putting it in writing
frees my thinking.
It allows me to put the issues in order.
It organizes my thoughts.

Michael Hyatt has seen similar results
and that is one of the reasons
why he blogs.

“Blogging has helped clarify my own thinking.
This is the single biggest benefit
of blogging to me.
It’s why I started blogging
to begin with.
Sometimes I joke that
I don’t really know what
I think about a subject
until I have blogged about it.
Writing helps me untangle my thoughts.”

If you’re struggling with a problem,
try writing it down.

Creating Trust

Trust is a valuable commodity
these days
and one of the best ways
to create trust
is to do what is best,
rather than what may be best for you.

The late Kate Duffy
is known in the romance writing world
as being one of the best editors
who have ever worked
in the business.

Writers trusted her.
One of the reasons
was because she was honest.

She once phoned up
G.A. Aiken
and suggested she get an agent.
Agents complicate negotiations.
They often push back on
points an editor’s employer,
the publisher,
It is not in the publisher’s best interest
for writers to have agents.

G.A. Aiken shares
“…I’ll never forget what she said to me:
“Look, at this point,
I could really take advantage of you.”
Which I loved,
because it was so damn honest.”

THAT is why the best in the business
wanted to work with Kate Duffy.
THAT is why writers still talk about her
with awe and admiration
and wistfulness.

Do what is best.
Not merely what is best
for you.

Categorized as Marketing


I sat at a dinner table recently
with a newer writer.
She told the folks at the table
she wrote novels
and I cringed
because I knew what would happen next.

Everyone else piped up
that they were writing novels too.
(which is the equivalent of saying
any untrained monkey
can do this big, scary task
she’s been spending 18 hours a day,
7 days a week

The girl was upset.
So I asked this question…
“Have you finished the novel?”

Only the girl said yes
and I murmured
“THAT’s the hardest part.”

Everyone starts
(novels/product development/businesses).
Very few finish.

But that’s a good thing
for those of us who DO finish.

As Scott Ginsberg shares
“The exciting part is,
in a society that worships incompleteness,
the people who do commit,
the people who do carry their work to execution,
are the ones that inspire us forever.”

Finish that damn project already!

Being Smart

One of my buddies
is very, VERY intelligent,
book learning smart.

Unfortunately, this is more of a hindrance
than it is a help.

She doesn’t ask questions
because she feels
she should know the answers.
Folks don’t volunteer answers
because they’re intimidated by her brains.

That’s tough
because it is impossible
to know everything,
especially the practical knowledge
you can obtain only from doing.

The book learning knowledge
she prides herself on having,
of course,
is often a Google search away.

As Patrick Lencioni,
author of
The Advantage

“In this world of ubiquitous information
and nanosecond technology exchange,
it’s harder than it has ever been in history
to maintain a competitive advantage
based on intelligence or knowledge…”

Knowing the answers
is no longer as important as
asking the questions.


Last week,
I was crazy busy.
I had insane deadlines
and I pushed it every day.

This week,
I’m waiting for the results
of last week’s work.

But I’m still busy,
starting that next projects,
keeping the funnel full.

Scott Ginsberg
has the same attitude
toward waiting periods.

“I practice fertile idleness
and juggle multiple threads of work
always up to something,
always diversifying my interests,
always making myself useful.”

Just because you’re waiting
doesn’t mean you have to do nothing.
Keep busy.
Keep that funnel full.