The Power Of Touch

Sales 101:
When possible,
have the prospect hold
the product.

We all know this “rule”
but WHY does it work?

As Martin Lindstrom explains

“A recent study conducted
by Bangor University together
with the United Kingdom’s Royal Mail service
also revealed the power of touch,
in this case when it came to snail mail.

A deeper and longer-lasting impression
of a message was formed
when delivered in a letter,
as opposed to receiving
the same message online.

FMRIs showed that,
on touching the paper,
the emotional center of the brain
was activated,
thus forming a stronger bond.

The study also indicated that
once touch becomes part of the process,
it could translate
into a sense of possession.

In other words,
we simply feel more committed to possess
and thus buy an item
when we’ve first touched it.”

Once we touch an object,
it becomes ours.

Have your prospect
hold your product.

Categorized as Sales