Odds are…
it isn’t.
I was watching
a Storage Wars marathon.
The first season,
the professional storage locker buyers
had very little competition.
They bought lockers
at low prices
and often made their money back.
In the most recent season,
due to the popularity of the show,
there are a lot of new people
getting into the business.
The professionals aren’t worried, however.
They know the business is harder
than the show makes it look.
When I say I’m a writer,
almost every person replies
that they’re writing a book also.
I nod and smile
because I know
writing is a LOT harder
than the average person realizes.
I’ve yet to find
an easy business or career.
If you want success,
you’ll have to work for it.
The good news is…
most of your potential competition
WON’T work for it.