Selling Your Great Idea

Before pitching a new product
to the entire board,
I always pitch the product
to each board member individually first.

This does a few things.

It allows me to hear and prepare
for push back
before the general presentation.
Having the answers
makes me look like a superstar.

I can customize the pitch
for that board member,
increasing the odds
of a favorable sell in.

Best of all,
I can find at least one project champion
(and if there isn’t a project champion,
I know the product has issues).
This project champion will do
some of my selling for me.

As Tom Searcy states
“Seed the audience with supporters.
If you have decided to present
an idea in a meeting,
preview your idea to
some supporters in advance
to get friendly voices in the discussion.”

It is easier to sell to one person
than a group of people.
Pre-pitch your product ideas.