THESE Are The Good Ol’ Days

One of my writing buddies
spent all of 2011
deep in the depths of despair.
She didn’t write.
Instead she worried about
the state of the publishing world,
how no one could build a career,
how the days of writing full time were over.

I published 13 short stories
and 4 novellas in 2011.
I’m at the point
where I’m seriously considering
writing year round.

I know writers who made
millions and millions of dollars last year.
Some of my writing buddies
made their first million in income in 2011.

Ten years from now,
I predict that my worry wart friend
will look back
and realize that THESE were the good ol’ days.

Seth Godin has a great post on this topic.

Start that venture NOW.
There’s never been a better time
to realize your dreams.