Touching Base With Partners

This is the time of year
folks start thinking about making goals
for the new year.
We evaluate our success
at meeting our 2011 goals
(there is STILL time
to achieve some of these goals),
and we set new goals.

When we have partners,
there are additional steps.

The most important step
is reconnecting with these partners
and ensuring that
we all have similar goals
for the future.

Yesterday, I sat down with
one of my business partners.
I asked him how he thought
the year went.
I asked him about his concerns.
I asked him how he envisioned success
in 2012.

It turns out
my partner is concerned
about short term profitability.

This was a surprise to me.
When we started the endeavor,
the goal was for long term profitability.
I talk to this partner every day
and he never mentioned his concerns.

But that’s okay.
Goals change.
Plans are fluid.
We brainstormed ideas
to build in short term profitability sooner
(sacrificing some growth).

At least once a year,
sit down with business partners
and REALLY talk.
Talk about what they want from your venture.