Great By Choice

Leading Blog has a great summary
of the ideas
presented in
Jim Collins and Morten Hansen’s
Great By Choice.

This book asks…
“When the moment comes
—when we’re afraid, exhausted, or tempted
—what choice do we make?
Do we abandon our values?
Do we give in?
Do we accept average performance
because that’s what most everyone else accepts?
Do we capitulate to
the pressure of the moment?
Do we give up on our dreams
when we’ve been slammed by brutal facts?

In the end,
we can control
only a tiny sliver
of what happens to us.
But even so,
we are free to choose,
free to become great by choice.”

There’s an element of luck
in every success,
but good and bad luck happens to all of us.
It is the choices that define us,
that separate the great from the good.