Learning Other Languages

A loved one travels
all over the world for pleasure.
He picks up words and basic phrases
in the languages of the countries he visits.

These words, yes, make his traveling easier
(locals are flattered that
he learns some of their language)
but they also help him
in his sales role back in North America.

He’ll chat with prospects
before he makes a presentation,
and when he hears a prospect
is from or has roots in another country
(and who doesn’t?),
he’ll slip in a couple of words.

He creates a personal connection
to that person.
He shows the prospect
he listens.
He creates an impression
he’s well-educated
and knowledgeable.

Some of my buddies are debating
having their children
learn Spanish.
390 million people in the world
speak Spanish.
Only 328 million speak English.
By adding Spanish,
they’re doubling the people
they can sell to.

If you have the opportunity
to learn words and phrases
in other languages,
do it.

The Chief Happiness Officer
has a video example
of how to weave another language
into a sales pitch.

Categorized as Sales