Be The Change

Sasha Dichter recently
performed a generosity experiment.
For a month,
he said yes
to every single request.

He did this because
he feels
“If I want the world to be
more open,
more action orientated,
and more generous,
then I have to be more open,
more action orientated
and more generous.”

Change is contagious.
If you want to see change,
be the change.

Little ol’ me has quietly and slowly
changed the atmosphere
in huge corporations
by simply wishing everyone I meet
a cheery good morning.
I say it to one person.
She, being polite, says it back.
Then when she sees the next coworker,
it is easier for her to repeat it.

If you don’t love the world you’re living in,
change it.
It REALLY is that easy.