Why People Follow Brands

Get Satisfaction has a great infographic
(a new-to-me word)
on why people follow brands
on social media
such as Facebook and Twitter.

The number one reason?

Special Offers/Deals
(36.9% of respondents on Facebook/MySpace
and 43.5% of respondents on Twitter)

One of my pen names
(aka brands)
is growing quite a following
on a third party eBook reseller.
(a reseller with a social media aspect)
Because every month
I load a free short story
connected to one of
my longer, for pay stories.

Yes, I’m giving away freebies,
but these freebies
are increasing sales of my other stories.
The more people I have
waiting for the latest free story,
the higher my paid stories debut
on the sales rankings.

If you want prospects to follow you,
give them a ‘special’
incentive to.

Categorized as Marketing

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