Shaking Hands

One of the biggest adjustments
going from the business world
to the writing world
is that in business,
you greet folks by shaking their hands.

That’s the norm
and if you want to succeed in business,
you need to perfect your handshake.

Guy Kawasaki outlines

how to shake hands well.

-Make contact throughout
-Utter an appropriate verbal greeting
-Make a Duchenne smile
(a genuine smile that gives you crow’s feet)
-Use a medium level of vigor
-Stand a moderate distance from the other person
-Make sure your hand is cool, dry and smooth
-Grip the person’s hand and give it a firm squeeze
-Hold the handshake for no longer than 2 or 3 seconds.

That’s the perfect handshake,
and it comes with practice.

Categorized as Sales