Princess Cruises And Rewards

Many of the cruise lines
have reward systems.
The more you cruise,
the more you are rewarded.

Princess Cruises,
puts some thought into
their rewards.

After the first cruise,
patrons receive gold status.
This entitles them to a free gift
(a Princess-branded tote bag
so cruisers ‘advertise’
while using the gift)
and a few other perks.

After five cruises,
patrons receive platinum status.
Anyone who has cruised five times
likely enjoys cruising.
The incentive isn’t to encourage them
to cruise
but to cruise longer or more often.
So what perk will help with this?

Free internet.

Princess is the only cruise line
to offer free internet to frequent cruisers.
Cruisers can stay on board for four months
(the World Cruise)
and not worry about falling out of touch
with loved ones
or the outside world.

The free internet is
why I cruise with Princess.
That $100 reward
(with minimal cost to the cruise line)
has netted them
thousands of dollars worth of sales.

If you have reward levels
for frequent customers,
don’t simply hand out trinkets.
Think about how those rewards
can increase your sales.

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