Creating Products People Want

When I first started writing,
I’d write whatever came into my brain.
Although they were great stories
and I marketed the hell out of them,
the thing was…
nobody was interested in reading the stories.

I write what people want to read.
I write the story my way
(usually with plenty of humor)
but I’ll latch onto the big trends
readers are looking for
(vampires, shifters, etc).

Chris Garrett has a great post
on the four myths of information products.

One is the build it and they will come myth.

The truth?

“Most people create something nobody wants
Out of the people who do
create something,
the next hurdle is getting people to buy it.
The instant success that flies off the shelves
is more dream than reality for most.
While it is possible to create a market
if you have the time and marketing budget,
I find it much easier
to serve a ready-made audience.”

Unless you have unlimited marketing dollars,
consider creating your product
for a market that already exists.