The Fair Win

Some win-at-any-cost folks
use the natural competitiveness
of children
as an excuse for their bad behavior.

Kids ARE competitive
but it isn’t a win-at-any-cost
type of competitiveness.

My 11 year old niece and I have a bet
about whether or not
she’ll be taller than I am
in two years
(the answer is likely yes).

Shoes and hats count
in this bet
so she was disappointed
that I didn’t give her a tall hat
for her birthday.
(I forgot)

When an adult pointed out
that I wouldn’t help her win,
she replied back that
I wouldn’t think that way.
I’m fair
and I would help her try to win too.

Even kids know that
a fair ‘win’ is a better win.
Compete but not at the expense
of your ethics.