Create A Saga

One of the best ways
for romance writers
to increase sales
is to write more books
within the same world.

Reading about the same world
is easy for readers
(people ARE lazy).
They know the rules.
They know the setting
and time period.
They know and CARE about
some of the characters.
Words work harder because
there’s a history behind
the phrase or comment.

A recent trend in music videos
is the ‘series’ of videos.
We follow the singer
and his/her love interest
through a full relationship
spanning multiple songs.

Again, the readers start to care
about the characters
and they associate deeper emotion
to every image.

We can do the same
in marketing
by using the same actors
(or spokespeople),
by linking our marketing
through a storyline.

We can create a world
revolving around a product
that prospects and customers
can care about.

It doesn’t have to cost a lot,
a local business created a saga
with plain text classified ads,
but it does require some planning.

Consider creating a saga
around your brand.

Categorized as Marketing