Talent Vs Hard Work – A Redneck Weighs In

A loved one once said
“She worked damn hard”
would be written
on my grave stone.

I’m not the smartest person.
I don’t have the most talent.
I work hard.
That’s my claim to fame
and it has made all the difference.

Jeff Foxworthy,
comedian and talk show host,
sees the hard work vs talent debate
the same way.

“I look back through the years
and there were a lot of men and women
I worked with
and I would think,
‘Man, are they ever funny,’
but they didn’t necessarily work at it
and a decade later
you’re asking,
‘What ever happened to them?'”

“I’ve been in this for 26 years now,
but if I look back to the people
I started out with,
the Jay Lenos,
the Jerry Seinfelds,
the Adam Sandlers,
even people like Judd Apatow,
the common denominator is,
they all worked at it.
They didn’t all necessarily
continue to be standups,
but they were workers.”

The great thing is…
working hard is controllable.
I decide if I work hard.
I decide if I’ll be a success.