Why You Need Goals

In the March/April issue
of The Costco Connection,
Roger Ellerton explains why
you need a clear goal.

“If you don’t have an immediate goal
and you meet a friend who does,
most likely your friend will enlist you
to help him get what he wants.
And you may
(silently or otherwise)
become angry with him
for taking advantage of you,
when in reality you set the stage
for what happened
by not having direction.”

This past weekend,
exactly that happened to me.

A friend asked me to read for her.
She didn’t need me
to provide input on her work.
She simply wanted reassurance
that she was on the right track.

I was tempted to do the reading first
but I had my word count goal
clearly outlined.
I told myself I’d write first
and read second.
I didn’t get to reading
because I finished my writing late at night.

My friend didn’t care.
I did care about my word count.
I would have been irked with myself
and with her
if I hadn’t met it.

Write out your goals
and put those goals first.