Climbing The Mentor Ladder

My first sex scenes were horrible.
I knew they were horrible
so I approached a writer who wrote okay sex scenes
and asked her what I was doing wrong.
She told me,
flattered that I had asked,
and I applied those lessons to my writing.

My next sex scenes were okay.
I knew they were okay
so I approached a writer who wrote good sex scenes
and asked her what I was doing wrong.
She told me,
flattered that I had asked,
and I applied those lessons to my writing.

My sex scenes reached the good level.
I knew they were good
but not great
so I approached a writer who wrote great sex scenes
and asked her what I was doing wrong.
Flattered that I,
a published writer with good sex scenes,
had asked,
this gifted sex scene writer is currently mentoring me.

People constantly say to learn from the best.
That’s a load of hooey,
and almost impossible to do.
Great people want to mentor good people,
not horrible people.

Climb the mentor ladder.
Once your skills reach the good level,
THEN target the best people as your mentors.