Customer Service Response Time

I recently had an issue
accessing one of my Yahoo email accounts.
I contacted customer service online
and was told
someone would get back to me
within 24 hours.


Did they expect me to live
without email access for 24 hours?
Of course, they didn’t.
This was the equivalent
of telling me
to go away, fix the problem myself,
and stop bothering them.

(And they never ever DID
get back to me.)

In today’s go, go, go world,
a long response time for a critical product
is truly no response time.
It sends the signal
that the company doesn’t care,
and it certainly isn’t customer service.

If you care about your customers,
respond quickly
with, at the very least,
an airy fairy email saying you are looking into it.

BTW… I know Clientk response time
sucks big hairy donkey balls
but truly, what do you expect
from a extreme doer who only has time
to write a 100 word post every day?

Categorized as Marketing