What You Should Be Doing

Psychiatrist Edward Hallowell states
there are five steps to peak performance.

The first step is Select.
What is select?

“A person needs to first figure out
what it is they should be doing.
It is the intersection of three elements
—what they’re good at,
what they like,
what adds value to the organization or world.
All of the other steps are based
on this first pivotal step.”

When I first contemplated writing romances,
I was wary.
I knew I LIKED writing romances.
I didn’t know if I was GOOD at writing romances.
So I entered a contest,
and, in that first contest,
I placed second.

I had two of the three.
I was good at it,
and I liked it.
That left
“Would my romance writing
add value to the world?”
In other words,
would people perceive my writing
to be of such value,
that they’d pay for it.

My first product,
traditional romances with a business slant,
Sales were low.
They didn’t add value.

My next product,
steamier paranormal romances,
They DID add value.
Now I have the three.
I love what I do,
I’m good at it (and getting better),
AND what I do adds value.

Do you love what you do?
Are you good at it?
Does what you do add value?
If the answers to any of these questions are no,
your present role may not be the right one
for you.