It Isn’t You…

I said something flippant
to a buddy of mine.
I was distracted by another issue,
and I wasn’t paying attention to my wording
OR my friend’s reaction.
My friend thought I was angry with her.
Her feelings got hurt.

When really,
my attitude had nothing to do
with her.

That often happens
when you try to market
or sell to someone.
You think their lack of response
means lack of interest,
or that ‘now’s not a good time’
means ‘there will never be a good time.’

There are thousands of things
happening in your prospect’s life right now.
If you/your appointment
gets rescheduled to another time
or ‘later’
(I suggest putting a time frame to ‘later’),
that may simply mean
that these other things are more important.

Sometimes it really ISN’T you.

Categorized as Sales