If You Can Do Anything Else…

One of the common phrases
in the writing world
“If you can do anything else,
do it.”

Writing, like anything worth doing, is hard.
It takes the average writer
10 years of serious writing
before she is published.
The job is rejection after rejection.

So if you can do something else,
you will.
You’ll quit before you’re successful.

Seth Godin has a great post
about how this holds true
for business start ups.

“The people who successfully
start independent businesses
(franchises, I think are a different thing)
do it because
we have no real choice in the matter.
The voice in our heads won’t shut up
until we discover if we’re right,
if we can do it,
if we can make something happen.
This is an art, our art,
and to leave it bottled up is a crime.”

If you can do anything else,
do it.
If you can’t get that business start up
out of your brain,
you’re likely an entrepreneur.